I think that was only variant I hadn't tried. Looking through the history I had only used a single quote around the group name, not a double, but that did work.
On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 12:24 PM, Korry Douglas <korry.douglas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
ALTER GROUP "schema-rw" ADD USER someuser.
-- Korry
Someone here in their infinite wisdom decided that all our group names would contain a "-". Thus, all the groups look like "schema-ro" or "schema-rw", My problem is that neither a "grant <group-name> to <user>;" nor a "alter group <group-name> add user <user>" will work properly as the command interpreter doesn't like the group name having a "-" in it.
So, I'm looking for a work-around up to and including directly altering the pg_auth table. Any ideas?