I've up master-slave streaming replication.
each host have RAM tmpfs disk for WAL files with 5BG space, and my config is:
wal_keep_segments = 64
checkpoint_segments = 32
checkpoint_timeout = 1h
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.8
WAL archiving is off
master host works as expected - he keeps about 140-160 files in the pg_xlog folder
but standby host ignore the config, he won't remove old wal files and in archive_status folder I can see many xxxxxx.done files, but archiving is not enabled.
how can I disable that behavior ?
I already tried playing with archive_cleanup_command, recovery_end_command, pg_archivecleanup - nothing helped.
when standby host operate as master server then no problems occurs
postgres version 9.4.4, compiled from source
OS ubuntu 14.04.3