Hi all,
Having a bit of a head-scratching problem. I'm writing a query where I want to output only distinct rows where one char(4) field does not equal a specific value. Something like:
select distinct testname where result <> 'PASS"; #i.e., only the FAIL or WARN tests
I've tried several different variants like "!~", "not like ('PASS')", "is distinct from 'PASS'", and so forth, but obviously I'm missing something as every row is being output not
just the ones which do not equal PASS. What would be the correct syntax for this in a 9.4.4 database?
WITH vals (v) AS (
VALUES ('PASS'::char(4)), ('FAIL'::char(4))
*FROM vals
WHERE v <> 'PASS'::char(4);
Since this is basically what you did you apparently either do not understand your data completely or you have failed to convey necessary information to the audience whom you are asking for help.
David J.