Hi Raghavendra,
Thank you for the solution, It is working fine.On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:33 PM, Raghavendra <raghavendra.rao@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Saturday, July 25, 2015, Shreeyansh Dba <shreeyansh2014@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:I tried it but the "autocommit" is showing "on" as mention below.Hi David ,Thanks for reply,
postgres=# \set autocommit off;postgres=# show autocommit;
(1 row)The first command sets a psql variable named autocommit.The second commands show the sql guc named autocommit.These are two different things.Try "select :AUTOCOMMIT"Note, in the psql variable capitalization matters. You must use all-caps.David J.+1You can try this to check out what setting is set in psql variable.-bash-4.2$ psqlpsql.bin (9.4.4)Type "help" for help.postgres=# \set AUTOCOMMIT offpostgres=# \echo :AUTOCOMMIToffpostgres=# \set AUTOCOMMIT onpostgres=# \echo :AUTOCOMMITonpostgres=#---Regards,RaghavendraEnterpriseDB Corporation