I need to install odbc_fdw on my postgresql 9.3.5 which is running on Windows server 2012.
So far, I've found this [http://www.postgresonline.com/journal/archives/246-ODBC-Foreign-Data-wrapper-odbc_fdw-on-windows.html]
version which only works for postgres 9.1.
I found this [https://github.com/ZhengYang/odbc_fdw
] other version that should work for postgres 9.1 but it's an uncompiled version and I don't really know how to make it work in Windows. The dev says he has tested it in windows 7. But I can't compile it.
] other version that should work for postgres 9.1 but it's an uncompiled version and I don't really know how to make it work in Windows. The dev says he has tested it in windows 7. But I can't compile it.
I also found this [http://blog.2ndquadrant.com/compiling-postgresql-extensions-visual-studio-windows/]
article to compile it in Windows. No success in my case.
Anyone succeded compiling it fro windows?
Any hint would be very appreciated...