What I noticed , I was inserting the data with difference in Column , I recreated the table it works for me on same database
Thanks for the support
On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 5:42 PM, Raghavendra <raghavendra.rao@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
PostgreSQL version 9.4Both server is centos 6.6Thank you for sharing the information. Yes, I have test the sample case on same two CentOS machines.Dump file is attached . which I am facing error to restoreI have tried to restore your Dump file on my machine and couldn't able to reproduce the error you are getting.-bash-4.2$ gunzip < /tmp/bus_stop_42.dump.gz | PGPASSWORD='edb' psql -U postgres -h localhost demoSETSETSETSETSETSETSETERROR: relation "public.bus_stop" does not existERROR: relation "public.bus_stop" does not existERROR: relation "public.bus_stop" does not existERROR: relation "public.bus_stop" does not existERROR: sequence "bus_stop_bus_stop_id_seq" does not existERROR: table "bus_stop" does not existSETSETSETCREATE TABLEALTER TABLECREATE SEQUENCEALTER TABLEALTER SEQUENCEALTER TABLECOPY 531setval--------550(1 row)ALTER TABLEERROR: relation "point_type" does not existERROR: relation "org_chart" does not exist-bash-4.2$Its a blind guess, Did .gz file copied from other Operating system to source machine ?--Raghav