Good thought Guillaume, but the only Dbs on this cluster are:
The one I'm working inOn Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 1:17 AM, Guillaume Lelarge <guillaume@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
2015-06-25 5:42 GMT+02:00 John Scalia <jayknowsunix@xxxxxxxxx>:Thanks guys, I was not aware of that command, but it did NOT succeed in changing these strangely missing tables. The tables appear, when I try to drop the old owner as:
then two, three, etc., I've only been successful using
alter table second_schema.partition_table_name_one owner to userB;
But I'd rather not do that for 2000+ entries.The only reason that would explain why you can't see them with \d and in pg_class is that they are on another database. Same cluster but another database. You should connect to the other databases and use REASSIGN OWNED in each of them.
On 6/24/2015 8:01 PM, David G. Johnston wrote:
Hi all,
I'm trying to build a new server from a copy of one of our live Dbs, and I imported the schema from there and am now trying to get this new server setup with the right ownership
and permissions. All the tables are/were owned by user A, and I've changed most of them to user B (names changed to protect the innocent, etc.,) However, some tables from the
pg_dump I used to grab the schema, do not show up using \d nor can I see them in pg_class. I only found them when I tried to drop user A and psql complained. They appear to be in a
different schema and I could change them one at a time, but there are more than 2200 of these. For the tables I've already changed, I just performed an update on pg_class where
relowner = numeric ID of user A to set that to the numeric ID of user B.
Now, this is a 9.2 server on CentOS, but I've not seen this behavior anywhere before. Where else should I see these? The only success I've had is \d+ new_schema.* and that doesn't
help me change them.
Possibly this...
David J.