Shreeyansh, Scott, Thanks for responding. Here’s the value of a couple log parms
gp07> psql -d postgres -c"show log_file_mode" log_file_mode --------------- 0600 (1 row) gp07> psql -d postgres -c"show log_filename" log_filename --------------- gp07error.log (1 row) gp07> psql -d postgres -c"show logging_collector" logging_collector ------------------- on (1 row) Also, we have a monitor that checks the errorlog. This monitor appends the current log to an archive file (example, errorlog.201503), then touch a new ‘error.log’.
After the touch, the new errorlog is not written to anymore, until postgres is bounced. I should also note that new error.log is owned by the monitor ID: -rw-rw-r-- 1 psgdba dbagroup 298 Mar 13 05:43 gl07error.log dbagroup members are: psgdba and instance-owner. Thanks. Maria A Rossi Database Administration PGDS (US) email:
maria.rossi@xxxxxxxxxxx work phone: 517.367.3099 From: Shreeyansh Dba [mailto:shreeyansh2014@xxxxxxxxx]
On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 11:09 PM, Scott Ribe <scott_ribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi, Reload is fine no need to restart. you can check whether parameters are configured using SHOW <parameter-name>; May be there some permission issue to the log_destination folder.So once check the permissions and Try log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log' log_file_mode = 0600 And let me know the output. -- Thanks & Regards |