2015-02-16 11:57 GMT+02:00 Simon Riggs <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On 16 February 2015 at 07:33, Ville Rantamaula
<ville.rantamaula@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Would anyone got some pointer or a link to a document describing how table
> level selective replication ought to be configured with BDR?
The release will be coming soonish, but I don't have dates or details
yet. We're not looking to rush the process.
Sorry, but I'm still quite confused here, about the conflicting information about the availability of selective replication in recent BDR releases.
Is it so, that even though on the 2ndQuandrant BDR web page http://2ndquadrant.com/en/resources/bdr/ it announces:
"BDR 0.8.0 is now available and includes a number of enhancements, including Selective Replication."
Alas the currently publicly released version of BDR (RPM release date 2014-12-27 postgresql-bdr94-bdr-0.8.0beta1-1_2ndQuadrant.el7.centos), which was released soon after PostgreSQL 9.4.0 stable was announced, does not yet contain the selective replication features, but it is the next BDR release reflecting the 2015-02-05 PostgreSQL 9.4.1 release, which will actually contain selective replication - at least on table level?