On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 10:47 PM, Rob Cowell <rob.cowell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Is it possible to set up replication from a 9.1.10 master to a 9.3.5 slave?
I've taken a base-backup from the master and rsync'd it over to the slave but I'm seeing the following error :
HINT: It looks like you need to initdb.
FATAL: database files are incompatible with server
DETAIL: The database cluster was initialized with PG_CONTROL_VERSION 903, but the server was compiled with PG_CONTROL_VERSION 937.
Would I be better off dumping the data from 9.1.10 and re-importing into 9.3.5, then starting replication ?
(or is there an easier way?) :)
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Hi Rob Cowell,
In PostgreSQL Streaming Replication can't be set in major versions, it is only possible in same version or minor version.If you want to set up Replication in 2 major versions it can be done through Slony Replication, Londiste Replication.
Else you need to upgrade from 9.1 to 9.3 using
pg_dump & pg_restore - (easier way) but it will take more time if database size is huge.
pg_dump & pg_restore - (easier way) but it will take more time if database size is huge.
pg_upgrade - less time but require more disk-space.
Slony replication - trigger based replication.
Londiste replication - trigger based replication but documentation is not that much clear.
Thanks & Regards,
Harshad Adalkonda
Database Administrator