Hi  Please help, when I run this querie I get an error saying : column "cdbs_br_cde" specified in USING clause does not exist in left table  The DATABASE LINK is called cen_8008.   select a.cdbs_br_cde as br_cde, sum(case when b.value_type=107 then a.value else 0 end) as mtd_sog, sum(case when b.value_type=110 then a.value else 0 end) as mtd_cos from eis_mtd_sales@cen_8008 a left join eis_value_types@cen_8008 b using (cdbs_br_cde,cdbs_grp_cde,value_type) --left join eis_daily_sales@cen_8008 c on (b.cdbs_br_cde=c.cdbs_br_cde and b.cdbs_grp_cde=c.cdbs_grp_cde and b.value_type=c.value_type and c.value_date::date=sysdate::date -interval '1 day') where 1=1 --and a.cdbs_br_cde='8008' and a.cdbs_grp_cde='1~7~1' and a.fpp_cde='201412' and a.value_type in (107,110) group by a.cdbs_br_cde order by a.cdbs_br_cde;      example on how I created the dblink for cent8008  CREATE public DATABASE LINK cen_8008 CONNECT TO user IDENTIFIED BY 'passwd' USING libpq 'host=IP port=3456 dbname=c8008';
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