Thanks Laurenz Albe. After adjusting symbolic links should we update table space directory in 'pg_tablespace' system catalog ?
On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 2:16 PM, Albe Laurenz <laurenz.albe@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
That should work.girish R G peetle wrote:
> We have requirement to perform File system based restore of entire PostgreSQL database server to a
> different mount point.
> -> I know that if no user created tablespaces are involved, we have just need to restore the entire
> DATA directory to new mount point, modify configuration parameters if required and then start the
> server.
> -> If user created table-space directories are involved, then we will have to manually adjust the
> symbolic links (under pg_tblspc) to the new tablespace directory path and bring up the server.
> Adjusting symbolic links is a workaround ( hook! ), is there a any official documentation on how
> 'PostgreSQL server restore to a different mount point' can be achieved ?
The only documentation is at
which mentions tablespaces, but does not discuss your case directly.
Laurenz Albe