-i is "interactive," as in "listen on TCP/IP"
-N 384 is max connections 384
Hi all,My wonderful colleagues in charge of our production database have screwed up royally. They managed to corrupt the production database by having two instances of postgresql talking
to the same database/same filesystem/same time. Now, they'd like me to fix it. Sigh...BTW, this is a V9.2.2 system, and the database will still start, but the logs are full of reports pf invalid page header errors. One thing I'm looking at is doing a "ps -ef | grep
postmaster", I see "service postgresql-9.2 start" uses:postmaster -D /opt/datacenter -i -N 384 -p 5431Now, I know what the -D and -p are doing, but I'm not sure what -i and -N are for, and my internet search hasn't turned up much. Anybody know?
JayPS. Any suggestions beyond setting zero_damaged_pages=true and then running a vacuum would also be appreciated.
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