From your last message:
It is recommended to configure it to grab archive files from somewhere (can be from other node) if you have archiving enabled. So, if the receiver can't keep up with the sender
(e.g. when the WAL files are rotated and the sender does not have the files the receiver wants anymore), it can get the files it need from archiving.
According to the postgresql documentation at 25.2.3 Preparing the Master for Standby Servers, Set up continuous archiving on the primary to an archive directory accessible from the
I took this to mean the archive_command = "scp %p postgres@<IP of standby>:/<directory on standby>"
And yes, you can add a ";" at the end of this and specify a second server. That's what I'm doing. Oh, and you have to setup ssh keyrings so the scp will not prompt for a password.
Anyway, I got the impression that the primary should push and the standby's should not pull WAL segments from this part of the docs. Although, I can see how you could just specify
the scp in the restore_command and do the pull. I just don't know the safety of doing that.