Hey Jorge
My work_mem is 1 MB. I only modified
max_connection and shared_buffer. Can you tell me how should I modify
this? Is there any rule based on your RAM to decide these parameters?On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 12:34 AM, Jorge Torralba <jorge.torralba@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
How much memory does your server have.What is your work_mem set to ?--On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 6:35 PM, Amardeep Kaur <amardeepkaur88@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
When i stress test it with 500 concurrent request, then after 150 - 160 concurrent connections my database enters into recovery mode and it fails the request. For my stress test i am trying to get data from one table.Hey GuysI am trying to increase the max_connection from 100 to 5000. I modified shared_buffer and changed kernel parameters according to
Do you guys have any idea what is causing the problem or if i am missing some other configuration?
--Amardeep Kaur
Jorge Torralba
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Amardeep Kaur