Sorry, dear mailing list, somehow my email got sent before I finished it :-(
I will go on and repeat. Please bear with me!
I am currently worried about an error that shows up in our log files since a few weeks:
2013-11-15 07:13:13 UTC [22668]: [2-1] ERROR: MultiXactId 2683601542 does no longer exist -- apparent wraparound
2013-11-15 07:13:13 UTC [22668]: [3-1] CONTEXT: automatic vacuum of table "scoreloop.public.gamer_device_sightings"
It is always the same MultiXactId.
It seems that "autovacuum" is active on that table, but it seems to have restarted today in the morning:
select query_start, query, state, pid from pg_stat_activity where query LIKE 'autovacuum%' ;
# select query_start, query, state, pid from pg_stat_activity where query LIKE 'autovacuum%' ;
query_start | query | state | pid
2013-11-15 07:13:13.281202+00 | autovacuum: VACUUM ANALYZE public.gamer_device_sightings (to prevent wraparound) | active | 4360
There are a few locks on tat table:
# select c.oid,c.relname,,l.mode,l.granted from pg_class c join pg_locks l on c.oid=l.relation where'4360' order by;
oid | relname | pid | mode | granted
19862 | index_gamer_device_sightings_on_gamer_id | 4360 | RowExclusiveLock | t
19719 | gamer_device_sightings_pkey | 4360 | RowExclusiveLock | t
19309 | gamer_device_sightings | 4360 | ShareUpdateExclusiveLock | t
The error I described seems to terminate the auto vacuum process: It has never finished on that table.
It is the only table without a finished vacuum. So I guess the above error is the reason for this.
Is there anything that I can do to get that fixed? Should I worry about the error? (I would not if the vacuum would run through).
Any tips, any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you very much! And sorry once more for my posting mistake
On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Karl Hafner <karl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear mailing-list,I am currently worried about an error that shows up in our log files since a few weeks:2013-11-15 07:13:13 UTC [22668]: [2-1] ERROR: MultiXactId 2683601542 does no longer exist -- apparent wraparound2013-11-15 07:13:13 UTC [22668]: [3-1] CONTEXT: automatic vacuum of table "scoreloop.public.gamer_device_sightings"It seems that "autovacuum" is active on that table, but it seems to have restarted today in the morning:select query_start, query, state, pid from pg_stat_activity where query LIKE 'autovacuum%' ;XXX=# select query_start, query, state, pid from pg_stat_activity where query LIKE 'autovacuum%' ;query_start | query | state | pid-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+------2013-11-15 07:13:13.281202+00 | autovacuum: VACUUM ANALYZE public.gamer_device_sightings (to prevent wraparound) | active | 4360