I built a new server running centos 6.4 and postgresql 8.4. I backed up all the databases from the old server running fedora and postgresql 8.1 using this script. #!/bin/bash # Backup all Postgresql databases # Location of the backup logfile. logfile="/var/lib/pgsql/backups/logs/pg_back.log" # Location to place backups. backup_dir="/var/lib/pgsql/backups" touch $logfile timeslot=`date +%m-%d-%Y_%H-%M` timeinfo=`date '+%T-%F'` /usr/bin/vacuumdb -azh -U postgres /usr/bin/pg_dumpall -ch -U postgres | gzip > "$backup_dir/postgresql-all-$timeslot-databases.gz" echo "Backup of all databses complete at $timeinfo for time slot $timeslot--pg_dumpall." >> $logfile The new server is running postgresql 8.4. When I restore the databases, with the commands below, only the databases are created, no tables and no data is restored.
The above works between two different servers that both run 8.1. What am I missing to restore all my databases with tables and data from 8.1 to the new 8.4? Thanks |