Hello Everyone,
A full backup is made nightly on the primary and copied to the secondary, just for backup purposes, the replication is never stopped /restarted.
Supose that for a reason I need to restore the primary to a point in time, let's say just after the last backup. I've done this by:
1) stoping de databese
2)restoring the backup
3) creatng a recovery.conf where I specified a recovery_target accordingly
4) start the database
This works fine on the primary. The quesion is how do I restart the replication on the secondary, on the new timeline?
I tried to restore the same backup on the secondary and starting the continuous recovery, but it starts on the previous timeline.
I also tried to set the recovery_target_timeline in the secondary to the new timeline, but I get an error. Do I need to get a new copy of the primary to continue the replication?