Thanks for your reply. In which sense did I mess with the database files?
On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 4:34 AM, Albe Laurenz <laurenz.albe@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
If you mess with the database files, errors like this are to be expected.German Becker wrote:
> I am testing version 9.1.9 before putting it in production. One of my tests involved deleting a the
> contents of a big table ( ~ 13 GB size) and then VACUUMing it. During VACUUM PANICS. Here is the
> message:
> PANIC: corrupted item pointer: offset = 8128, size = 80
> I found the error a couple of times, allways during VACUUM after deleting the context of the same big
> table (after re-polpulating it of course).
> The error message is always *exactly* the same i.e. the same offset and size.
> When this happens the backend gets restarted and if I issue the same VACUUM command, I get the same
> error.
> I also tried triggering the backup server (hot-standby with streaming replication, and trying the
> VACUUM there (to see if it may be a hardware problem in the primary) and got the same issue.
> What might be causing this? Should I reported as a bug? Thanks!
The PANIC and restart is because the error happened during a sensitive phase.
This is not a bug.
Laurenz Albe