On 02/25/2013 10:57 AM, Frank Cavaliero wrote:
Hi Adrian,
Thanks for the response. The situation is more like the following:
Using the JDBC driver, I connect to database TEST1 and immediately,
without having to pass username credentials again, I want to use
database TEST2. In MySQL, you can simply run: use TEST2. Wondering
if PostgreSQL has something similar.
You can do it in the psql client like this, though that will not help
with JDBC:
aklaver@ford:~$ psql -d test -U postgres
psql (9.0.5)
Type "help" for help.
test=# \c production
You are now connected to database "production".
I do not use the JDBC driver much, but from what I read in the link I
sent you, you can set up a non-pooling DataSource to which you can add
predefined datasources and then switch as needed.
Adrian Klaver
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