the standby can not reach the archieved wals? what the wal archieve used for? turn off it or archieve to nfs/scp to make standby can use the wals.
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在 2013-1-3 下午10:48,"Viktor" <viktor@xxxxxxxxxxxx>写道:
On 1/3/2013 4:26 PM, Jov wrote:
Thanks for the link. The topic tells about to clean up WAL file archives when running as a standby server, but I am running archiving just on the master and not on the standby (slave). And I dont have recovery.conf on the master.yes,and there is an offical tool to safely clean them:在 2013-1-3 下午9:16,"Viktor" <viktor@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 写道:
I have running postgresql maste-slave replication with activated archiving-mode on the master.
Question: is it safe to clean older archived logs or it may corrupt the slave replication ? And what is the best way to clean them (by making snapshots)?
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What about cleaning archived wals on the master server ?