于 2012/12/12 12:47, Sergey Konoplev 写道:
On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 8:30 PM, Rural Hunter <ruralhunter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
No. I was running it with another db super user. should it only be run by
$ echo 'SELECT 1;' | psql -q -A -t -X -U postgres -P null="<NULL>"
Password for user postgres:
Oh, looks like I know why it happens.
The tool does not expect any password prompts.
$ echo 'SELECT 1;' | psql -q -A -t -X -U postgres -P null="<NULL>"
It expects either trusted access (without password) or that password
will be specified as a parameter -W somesecret.
I will definitely need to fix it. My false, sorry, it is not easy to
wrap a command line tool to a fully flegged database adapter in Perl.
So either make a trusted access for the super user from the localhost
(you are working on localhost, right?) or specify -W
Anyway I suggest to install DBD::Pg Perl module, it will work much
faster and will load the system significantly less. The psql wrapper I
was asked to implement because one of the users had a hopeless boss
who did not allowed him to install DBD::Pg.
Ok, thanks. I installed dbd::pg. Now I can run it with specify
additional parameters(-h, -p). Seems pgcompactor doesn't read them from
env variables. However, I met another error when pgcompactor processes
tables. Seems it doesn't expect some tables with autovacuum off:
ERROR A database error occurred, exiting:
DatabaseError DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: invalid input syntax
for type real: "{autovacuum_enabled=false}" [for Statement "SELECT
ceil(pure_page_count * 100 / fillfactor) AS effective_page_count,
100 * (
1 - (pure_page_count * 100 / fillfactor) / (size::real / bs)
)::numeric, 2
) AS free_percent,
ceil(size::real - bs * pure_page_count * 100 / fillfactor) AS
bs, size, fillfactor,
reltuples * (
max(stanullfrac) * ma * ceil(
ma * ceil(
header_width +
ma * ceil(count(1)::real / ma)
)::real / ma
) + sum((1 - stanullfrac) * stawidth)
)::real / ma
) +
(1 - max(stanullfrac)) * ma * ceil(
ma * ceil(header_width::real / ma) +
sum((1 - stanullfrac) * stawidth)
)::real / ma
)::real / (bs - 24)
) AS pure_page_count
pg_catalog.pg_class.oid AS class_oid,
23 AS header_width, 8 AS ma,
current_setting('block_size')::integer AS bs,
pg_catalog.pg_relation_size(pg_catalog.pg_class.oid) AS size,
reloptions::text, E'.*fillfactor=(\\d+).*', E'\\1'),
'100')::real AS fillfactor
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class
WHERE pg_catalog.pg_class.oid = 'public.article_text_197'::regclass
) AS const
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_statistic ON starelid = class_oid
GROUP BY bs, class_oid, fillfactor, ma, size, reltuples, header_width
) AS sq
"] at /loader/0x1ec3ff8/PgToolkit/Database/Dbi.pm line 143.
于 2012/12/12 11:46, Sergey Konoplev 写道:
On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 7:40 PM, Rural Hunter <ruralhunter@xxxxxxxxx>
I downloaded pgtoolkit-v1.0beta3-fatscripts.tar.gz and tested it. I got
error when trying this:
./pgcompactor -a -u
DatabaseChooserError Can not find an adapter. at
/loader/0x1c26f18/PgToolkit/DatabaseChooser.pm line 63.
./pgcompactor -d testdb -u
DatabaseChooserError Can not find an adapter. at
/loader/0x1156f50/PgToolkit/DatabaseChooser.pm line 63.
You need to have either psql or DBD::PgPP or DBD::Pg on your machine.
The last one is recommended.
于 2012/12/12 5:27, Sergey Konoplev 写道:
On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 1:14 PM, Michael Sawyers <msawyers@xxxxxxx>
Thanks for the tool suggestion. I already know that I will be
permission to use it on a live db for the first run here, but I will
using this on several test machines that I am sure are bloated to
point and get this added into the standard toolkit here.
If you will have any feedback considering pgcompactor feel free to
write me directly. I am going to publish a new release in the nearest
days so I may include your issues in it.
ps. I have been using this tool constantly on more than 40 DB servers
for more than a year so it is tested quite good.
Sergey Konoplev
Database and Software Architect
USA +1 415 867 9984
Russia, Moscow +7 901 903 0499
Russia, Krasnodar +7 988 888 1979
Skype: gray-hemp
Jabber: gray.ru@xxxxxxxxx
Sergey Konoplev
Database and Software Architect
USA +1 415 867 9984
Russia, Moscow +7 901 903 0499
Russia, Krasnodar +7 988 888 1979
Skype: gray-hemp
Jabber: gray.ru@xxxxxxxxx
Sergey Konoplev
Database and Software Architect
USA +1 415 867 9984
Russia, Moscow +7 901 903 0499
Russia, Krasnodar +7 988 888 1979
Skype: gray-hemp
Jabber: gray.ru@xxxxxxxxx
Sergey Konoplev
Database and Software Architect
USA +1 415 867 9984
Russia, Moscow +7 901 903 0499
Russia, Krasnodar +7 988 888 1979
Skype: gray-hemp
Jabber: gray.ru@xxxxxxxxx
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