On 08/02/2012 04:27 AM, Anibal David
Acosta wrote:
A quick search suggests this can be due to excessive I/O. However, this thread: http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/pgstat-wait-timeout-td5078125.html sounds very similar to your issue. I'm wondering if there's a bug lurking in there somewhere. Was there any context to the `cancelling autovacuum task' message? The current 9.0 release is 9.0.8, so you're missing a bunch of bug fixes. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/release-9-0-8.html Consider updating. You don't need to do a dump and reload or use pg_upgrade, since it's only a minor version update. Stop the DB, install the new binaries, start the DB. However, I don't see any fixes related to the stats writer in the relnotes from the 9.0 series. -- Craig Ringer |