Raghavendra and Tom, Thanks for your help and time on this. I found the problem. There was an index with the same name in another schema. I discovered it just by sheer digging
around in the db using different queries. Not sure why it returned the duplicate index in the original query even ‘though I had it limited to input_transaction_snbs. Anyway, all good now. Thanks again. From: Raghavendra [mailto:raghavendra.rao@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 7:09 AM, Samuel Stearns <SStearns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is good.. My guess is correct, there is no duplicate indexes.
In your original query, the First join is broken, which won't come out of uniqueness with only comparing on relname=relname, It should also need to use Schemaname=schemaname, and second join is with relid=relid (As Tom Said) its very unique.
First join was broken and by adding schemaname its now correct. Coming *WHY*. if you see the indexrelid's of both queries, they are different.
schemaname | relid | indexrelid | relname | indexrelname
snbs | 535026046 | 616672654 | input_transaction_snbs | i1
indexrelid | schema_name | table_name | index_name | times_used | times_used | table_size
| index_size | num_writes ------------+-------------+------------------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------ 727108742 | snbs | input_transaction_snbs | i1 | 33 | 33 | 2941
MB | 305160192 | 10381291 Am not sure, how often you do maintenance on database like VACUUM, REINDEX etc., because all these activities will keep update the pg_catalogs. Presently, in mind I can only think reindexing the system catalog would be right option "reinidexdb
-s". Other's might have good options in fixing this, you should wait for another suggestion. |