Thanks for response,
How were the connections refused (error message)?
2012-06-13 13:45:38.809 MDT [25172]: [1-1] FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
2012-06-13 13:45:38.889 MDT [25173]: [1-1] FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
2012-06-13 13:45:38.895 MDT [25174]: [1-1] FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
Server details:
We're running postgres 9.1.1 linux x64 centos 5.8
aspdata=# select version();
PostgreSQL 9.1.1 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.1.2
20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-52), 64-bit
We currently have 1 DB we use for multiple independent tenant schemas. The
database size is current 56227005240 bytes as reported by pg_database_size.
There are 557 schemas each with about 1300 objects (760 tables 520 views).
On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 2:03 AM, Albe Laurenz <laurenz.albe@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
You gave very little information.Radovan Jablonovsky wrote:
> Could you please help with this peculiar problem?
> In PostgreSQL log occurred this message:
> 2012-06-13 12:58:45.876 MDT [17536]: [1-1] FATAL: terminating
autovacuum process due to administrator
> command
> The server worked for 48 minutes after and then it started refuse
non-superuser connections, which
> effectively rendered it unusable for client applications.
> What could cause this behaviour?
How were the connections refused (error message)?
Could it be that there are already max_connections sessions?
Laurenz Albe
Radovan Jablonovsky | SaaS DBA | Phone 1-403-262-6519 (ext. 256) | Fax 1-403-233-8046
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