Ive downloaded the postgres extractable version of windows(32 and 64) .These are the steps i followed
1.extracted the postgres zip file
2. create a new network user ( serviceaccount)
3. gave the owner ship permissions on the datadir
4. gave logon as service permissions to the user
5. ran the initdb
\pg_ctl.exe initdb -U myaccountuser --pgdata=datadir -o --pwfile=pswd filepath -o --username=dbuser -o --auth=trust
Prob 1: By doing above the db is intialized with clusters and everthing.. but it is intializing the db as Administrator where the db owner is administrator. The 'dbuser' is not getting created Im able to connect to the db and see the users where dbuser isnt there
But ive to connect as dbuser .. one workaround is to create the user for that db need to be started.This installation script dosent start db for me and the createuser.exe in postgres zip is diff from installer version .
Prob 2: I also tried using runas myaccountuser but still facing the same issue
While giving the --username option it has to supposedly create the dbuser acc to my understanding.
Any other way to create dbuser while init before db startup
In linux the acc user itself is the db user so had no issues there ran the initdb with su as accountuser which is the db user as well.
Here my accountuser and dbuser values are same..
Am I missing something here..
Thanks in advance