Execute the command:
$ pgpool -v
And check if you are using the newst version, 3.1.2.
If not, I recommend you to download and compile the pgpool source code by hand (it's easy).
Matheus de Oliveira
Bacharelado em Ciências de Computação
Laboratório de Computação de Alto Desempenho - LCAD
Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação - ICMC
Universidade de São Paulo - USP
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 7:17 AM, Wissem <kiwan2005@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello,To install pgpool, I run this command in my virtual machine (OS: Redhat linux 5);yum install pgpool-II-91.i386Is it correct? this will install full and complete pgpool librairies necessary for the Hot Standby / Streaming replication on 2 servers on my machine?Thanks--2012/2/13 杨晓青 <xqy1522@xxxxxxxxx>
This document may help you. http://www.pgpool.net/pgpool-web/pgpool-II/doc/pgpool-en.htmlsee "Failover with Streaming Replication" section.2012/2/13 Wissem <kiwan2005@xxxxxxxxx>
Hello,I am new user of Postgresql, I have successfully set up a Hot Standby / Streaming replication on 2 servers running on Redhat Linux 5 (Postgresql version 9.1).I need to set up an automatic failover and discovered that there is a tool named; pgpool. I have searched a lot on the net and didn't found a useful article (step by step) to setup it.Could you please help me and share any useful document with me?thanks,W
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