the problem was on a big table on query like this:
select outmessage0_.out_msg_id as out1_0_
from edi.out_messages outmessage0_, edi.transaction_set_partners
where outmessage0_.transaction_set_partner=transactio1_.trn_set_prtn_id
and outmessage0_.status_id='TOSND'
and transactio1_.legacy_sender_id='ALL'
and transactio1_.legacy_receiver_id='00004542'
and outmessage0_.transaction_set_id='INTERNAL_USE'
order by outmessage0_.out_msg_id
the existing indexes on status_id
CREATE INDEX out_msg_status_idex
ON edi.out_messages
USING btree
and transaction_set_partners
CREATE INDEX edi_out_messages_trn_set_prtn_id_fk_idx
ON edi.out_messages
USING btree
where not used anyore.
I created the following one:
CREATE INDEX out_msg_status_trn_set_prtn_idx
ON edi.out_messages
USING btree
and still the explain show a seq scan
then I inverted the fields and now it works:
CREATE INDEX out_msg_status_trn_set_prtn_idx2
ON edi.out_messages
USING btree
I wonder why not use anymore the existing indexes.
Il 09/11/2011 16.58, Ruslan A. Bondar ha scritto:
Why have you decided it isn't using indexes?
If index exists - postgres will use it.
To write a script for this I need at least database version.
On Wed, 09 Nov 2011 16:22:20 +0100
Silvio Brandani<silvio.brandani@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Our database seems not using index anymore, please help with, is a
production database.
is there a script to check missing index on foreign key ??
thanks a lot
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