Actually the -p paremeter has the argument, but I think I've removed it to clarify the command, because it comes from a variable $pgport in my script.
Concerning to tar command, I think you're right, I didn't notice... but it did work great until pop up these erros in the end, so I've googled and I've seen other people with the same problem, what led me to think it was a postgres error.
I'll try again unwrapping the file properly
On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 11:35 AM, Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Henrique_Te=F3filo?= <henriquetft@xxxxxxxxx> writes:AFAICS that ought not work at all, not even a little bit. You've
> Dumping:
> pg_dump -p -U'postgres' -C -f ./dumpbkp mydatabase
> tar -cvzf dumpbkp.tar.gz dumpbkp
> Restoring:
> cat dumpbkp.tar.gz | gunzip | psql -U'postgres'
wrapped the dump script into a tar archive, and then not unwrapped it.
The pg_dump argument list seems a bit less than kosher, as well ...
doesn't -p require an argument?
regards, tom lane