I have two DBs from the same user. When I run a query: SELECT wer_sys||'.'||wer_int||'.'||wer_wew FROM ver WHERE code = '1243' on a boken DB I get an error: ERROR: array value must start with "{" or dimension information but when I try to run the query on a "healthy" DB I don't have the error. Can anyone please guide me where to look for the problem. Already tried restoring the table I run the query on from the non-broken DB but t didn't work. While updating the database with our client program I get psql error: out of memory. The pg version is 8.2 (yes it's old but we are migrating to 9.0).
Łukasz Brodziak
"Do you bury me when I'm gone
Do you teach me while I'm here
Just as soon I belong
Then it's time I disappear"
Łukasz Brodziak
"Do you bury me when I'm gone
Do you teach me while I'm here
Just as soon I belong
Then it's time I disappear"