On 11/07/11 08:18, Pavel Stehule wrote:
[...]2011/7/10 Uwe Bartels <uwe.bartels@xxxxxxxxx>:Hi Pavel, is it posible to get this running even with dynamic sql? I didn't write that. I'm using execute to run this create table ....probably yes postgres=# do $$ declare x text; begin execute e'explain(format yaml) select * from data where value = \'a\'' into x; raise notice '%', x; end; $$ language plpgsql; NOTICE: - Plan: Node Type: "Seq Scan" Relation Name: "data" Alias: "data" Startup Cost: 0.00 Total Cost: 23.38 Plan Rows: 5 Plan Width: 46 Filter: "((value)::text = 'a'::text)" DO I find that I understand things better if I rephrase things, so I took Pavel's code and converted it to use variables so I could see more clearly what is happening. I think using variables makes the use of 'execute' more understandable. I hope this version is of value to to others, I have included all the code required to run it as a working example. CREATE TABLE data ( id int, value text ); INSERT INTO data (id, value) VALUES (1, 'a'), (2, 'b'); do $$ declare v_sql_query text; v_sql_explain text; v_result text; begin v_sql_query :=e'SELECT * FROM data d WHERE value = \'a\''; v_sql_explain :=e'EXPLAIN(FORMAT YAML) ' || v_sql_query; execute v_sql_explain into v_result; raise notice 'v_result: %', v_result; end; $$ language plpgsql; Cheers, Gavin |