U can also start Postgres with skip-grant-tables option and thenafter
change the password
bin/psql -Upostgres --skip-grant-tables
Tim wrote:
Hi Rick,
Firstly there are likely to be an OS postgres user and a DB postgres
How you reset the OS user depends on if you are using windows or linux,
and should be learned elsewhere.
Removing PostgreSQL was not the correct thing to do but If you reset or
remove the postgres user from your OS you will be able to reinstall
PostgresQL. You will need to install the same version you had before if
you want to keep your data.
To reset the DB postgres user change your pg_hba.conf to trust, restart
PostgreSQL, connect and change the password:
ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'postgres';
You should ask elsewhere for problems related to "Hold'em Manager".
"127001" should be ""
You might consider learning some basics instead of gambling on other
peoples advise.
On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Rick Visser
today I wanted to login on Holdem Manager when the message popped up
that my computer "failed to connect server 127001". I looked the net
for sollutions, tried a few, including deleting postregql wich i tried
and all didn;t work. While I tried to reinstall postregql it asked for
my password. And now I forgot AND i believe all my postregql-files are
deleted from my computer. What should I do?
Hopefully you can help me,
Thanks in forward and kind regards,