Pls find the below output of the query given in the below link.
name | current_setting
version | PostgreSQL 8.3.5 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20070115 (SUSE Linux)
archive_command | /var/lib/pgsql/bin/cmd_archiver -A -C /var/lib/pgsql/etc/cmd_archiver.ini -F %p
archive_mode | on
checkpoint_completion_target | 0.7
checkpoint_segments | 10
checkpoint_timeout | 15min
default_statistics_target | 100
effective_cache_size | 1328MB
lc_collate | en_GB.UTF-8
lc_ctype | en_GB.UTF-8
listen_addresses | *
log_destination | stderr
log_filename | postgresql-%Y-%m-%d.log
log_line_prefix | %t %d %u
log_min_duration_statement | 5s
log_rotation_size | 0
logging_collector | on
maintenance_work_mem | 256MB
max_connections | 250
max_fsm_pages | 2048000
max_stack_depth | 2MB
server_encoding | UTF8
shared_buffers | 768MB
silent_mode | on
TimeZone | Europe/Brussels
work_mem | 2MB
On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 8:23 PM, Kevin Grittner <Kevin.Grittner@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Please run the query on this page and post the results:
My hope is that you are on a recent version of PostgreSQL with
autovacuum taking care of things by default.