All, I have PG 9.03 setup with master slave native replication. Everything seems to be fine. I have few question or concerns. Coming from MySql background, so trying to setup my expectations for PG. 1. Very Large wal log size. Specially archiving WAL is bigger pain. In our env, the Archive are almost 70GB in 1 day. 2. In mySQL there are some commands to start, stop slave, Show slave status, See the exact position of Slave and Master, view how far slave is behind master. In PG I see only pg_last_xlog_replay_location() and pg_last_xlog_receive_location(). Don’t know what those hexadecimal codes means. 3. Say I stop slave for few hours. How can I find how far behind is slave as compare to master. These are few I have been wondering about, I am sure there will be more soon. If you guys an share you experience, that will be big good resource for many like me. -Jai |