Dear Sirs, I have just read your manual about implementing module sepgsql on Postgresql. But I do not have any idea that where and how I sould insert the below commands, that you've mentioned in manual. >In terminal? > When I type initdb, normally it requires at least an option to be followed; but here it has been typed "initdb". > And also about $PGDATA: Should I type my path instead $PGDATA? > And by the way the for command until end of done. Should I insert/type it in my linux(fedora 14) terminal? Regards, Sara ============================== (MANUAL) The following instructions that assume your installation is under the /usr/local/pgsql directory. Adjust the paths shown below as appropriate for your installaton. $ initdb $ vi $PGDATA/postgresql.conf $ for DBNAME in template0 template1 postgres; do postgres --single -F -O -c exit_on_error=true $DBNAME \ < /usr/local/pgsql/share/ done ------------------------------ ---my commands in terminal: [postgres@localhost bin]$ for DBNAME in test; do ./postgres --single -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -F -O -c exit_on_error=true $DBNAME < /usr/local/pgsql/share/ contrib/sepgsql.sql > /dev/null; done ------------------------------ ----result: FATAL: SELinux: failed to initialize labeling handle: No such file or directory STATEMENT: SELECT sepgsql_restorecon(NULL); ------------------------------ *My System has the selinux-policy version is selinux-policy-3.9.7-37.fc14. I would like to know whether the versions 3.9.13 in fedora15 and 3.9.7-37 for fedora 14 is equivalent or not. |