I have checked the mailing list archive before where users have posted on a similar issue. But this is different.
We are planning to migrate our age old Amtrix message broker to its newer cousin XIB. The version that we have has connectors to Oracle, MySQL(quite ironically), Sybase, ODBC and DB2. But it does not have any connectors to PostgreSQL. The latest version of XIB has connectors through JDBC to PostgreSQL. But unfortunately the version we have has none. While waiting for the vendor to let us know if they can provide a free upgrade(which I think might not be possible as the latest version of XIB is from a different branch of product line) the only way around this is to use emulate Oracle.
We will not be using any fancy Oracle functions. It will be purely DDL(s). So is there any open source emulators for PostgreSQL to emulate Oracle?
Please assist.
Thank you.