Samuel Nelson
Consistent State
On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 3:42 PM, Sam Nelson <samn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi, list.We're trying to pull a few various metrics from the postgres catalogs to analyze database performance, and included is buffers_checkpoint and buffers_clean from pg_stat_bgwriter.One of our clients has an lru_max_dirty setting of 1000 and a bgwriter_delay of 200, but we're still seeing much higher growth in the buffers_checkpoint than buffers_clean, with buffers_checkpoint increasing at about 20 times the rate that buffers_clean is. ÂWe don't see very much growth in the maxwritten_clean, though - something like one every couple of days.So the questions is, why are there still so many more checkpoint buffers than clean buffers written? ÂDoes the buffers_checkpoint value include more than we think? ÂIf not, can we tune things further?---Â
Samuel Nelson
Consistent State