Re: finding the procpid (or pid) for a prepared transaction

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On 02/17/2011 07:48 PM, CS DBA wrote:
On 02/17/2011 07:19 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
CS DBA<cs_dba@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  writes:
I have several prepared tx which are running for a long long time. I
want to kill 'em but I dont know the process id.
If they're prepared, they're *not* running, and they don't have a
process id.  They're just going to sit there until you do COMMIT

            regards, tom lane
aah, makes sense Thanks.

So, for future reference.. if I prepare a tx, and then execute the prepared stmt, is there a way to associate the xid from a prepared txn (pg_prepared_xacts) with the row in pg_stat_activity showing the executing prepared stmt (within the current prepared txn)? or is there a way to see the text of a currently prepared txn so I can look for the statement being executed in pg_stat_activity?

nevermind.... sorry I'm confusing prepared txn's with prepared stmts.

Kevin Kempter       -       Constent State
A PostgreSQL Professional Services Company


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