On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Kevin Grittner <Kevin.Grittner@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Keith Gabryelski <keith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> here is an example of one process's growth over time --
> postgres 20533 0.0 0.3 647388 52216> [...]
> postgres 20533 0.0 0.9 663532 144328Let's get the non-problem out of the way first. RSS includes shared
memory. Each process will basically be showing how much of the same
256MB shared memory segment it has touched, which will tend to
increase over time without having *anything* to do overall memory
usage. Ignore this. It is not a problem.
Yes, RSS includes shared memory -- the numbers I show you might
not be exactly related to total memory used but we can see from
historical graphs of used memory and from the machine crash
when used memory reached 16GB that this is certainly a problem.
please correct me further if I'm missing something -- but I can see
the postgres processes growing and the used memory growing
until I reset the connection by hand.
Is there anyway I can control the postgres's process's use of memory.
> the server is a 16GB ram, 4-processor x64 bit centos machine
> there can be up to (about) 750 connections to the machine> work_mem = 256MB
Now this, on the other hand, is a potential problem. Each
connection which is running a query might reserve one or more
work_mem allocations. 256MB * 750 = 187.5GB. You have 16GB.
Now you describe your workload as heavy inserts, so perhaps this
isn't (currently) happening to you, but it's certainly something you
want to watch.
there are a small number of clients that connect and do interesting
queries -- they do not amount to a potential problem. I'm not
worried about work_mem for the insert clients (which seem to be
the problem) because work_mem is not considered during these
simple inserts.
You didn't describe your storage environment, but let's assume that
your effective_io_concurrency is on target. The benchmarking I've
done of throughput and latency (response time) have shown best
performance at about ((2 * cores) + effective spindle count). You
have four cores and (apparently) four "effective spindles" (which is
a complex topic in itself). So, if your environment performs like
mine, you will see your best performance if you funnel those 750
client-side connections down to about 12 database connections, with
requests queued by the pooler when all 12 connections are busy.
With tens of thousands of concurrent clients hitting our web site,
we were able to improve throughput and response time by cutting our
connection pool from 60 connections to 30. (Of course, this is on a
much larger system than you describe.)
interesting. can you point me to something that will help me understand
this performance and how I can apply it to my situation?
General comments on your config:
> max_connections = 1000
Far too high; you need to use your connection pooler better, or use
a better connection pooler.
> shared_buffers = 512MB
Not insane, but possibly a little on the low side.
probably -- but it's difficult to understand what this number actually does
for my system and its influence on postgres.
> maintenance_work_mem = 1024MB
> max_stack_depth = 9MB
I've never adjusted this. I'm a bit curious why you did.
followed the instructions: the value of ulimit -s minus 1MB. it probably doesn't matter.
> synchronous_commit = off
So you're OK with not necessarily having all transactions which were
successfully committed represented in the database if there is a
crash? (That's not rhetorical -- for some applications that's OK;
others, not so much.)
yes. i'm ok with this.
> commit_delay = 10Have you confirmed, through testing with your real workload, that
> commit_siblings = 2
these settings are helping? (I can see where they might, but
sometimes people adjust these without testing and actually make
things worse.)
yes. i've tested this.
> effective_cache_size = 1024MB
On a 16GB machine, that's probably too low to get the best plans on
some complex queries. I'd probably be using something in the
neighborhood of 14GB. For the insert load it won't make any
difference; but when it comes to querying all that data, it might.
i'll consider this. thank you.
One setting you didn't override which almost certainly would help
your insert performance is wal_buffers. Try setting that to 16MB.
good point, thank you.
if I understand your position, though -- it is: reduce the number of concurrent
connections to increase the overal throughput of inserts on the table (because
they'll be less collisions on table locks??). this reduction in connections
will reduce the maximum total memory used by them (but, still that is
just avoiding the inevitable, right -- if postgres processes can grow
larger than total memory, i'll still have a problem with 30 postgres processes
as I do with 750 postgres processes).
thank you for your response, any pointers for me to educate myself on these
things is greatly appreciated (a book?, google fu, web links?)
Pax, Keith