Hi Szymon Guz
a lot for you explanations. I'll give it a try.
Dr. Horst Düster
Stv. Amtschef / kantonaler GIS-Koordinator
Kanton Solothurn
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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Szymon Guz [mailto:mabewlun@xxxxxxxxx]
Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 24. November 2010 15:26
An: Düster Horst
Cc: pgsql-admin
Betreff: Re: Re: Deny access materialzsed view
On 24 November 2010 14:56, Düster Horst <Horst.Duester@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Szymon GuzThanks a lot for your response. I think the SECURITY DEFINER doesn't solve my problem. Here an example (stupid I know but just for explanation):1. I have created the view myView (select id from myTable) with an insert rule and I have created a table myTable (id integer, time timestamp).2. Now I add a record to myView with: insert into myView (id) values (1).3. The insert rule adds the value of id to myTable and sets a timestamp additionallyMy problem now is that all users which have write access to myView shoudn't have write access to myTable to avoid manipulations of myTable apart from the logic of the myView rule. In the present configuration they must have write access to myTable for inserting data at the moment. Only the db admin should have write access to myTable and nobody else. Additionally in this approach there is no function. As the result I can't use the SECURITY DEFINER statement. As I understand does the SECURITY DEFINER statement only modify the execution rights of a function.Maybe you have further hints or ideas?
Hi,I don't get it fully, but I will try:
1. myView is read/write, myTable is readonly, dbadmin can write to myTable
All users can select myTable (revoke all, grant select).DbAdmin can update/insert myTable. (grant all)DbAdmin creates procedures executed at update/insert myView, those procedures are defined with security definer, so they can insert/update myTable.
With this configuration, a normal user can select from the view, and update it, as there will be executed procedures with the DbAdmin rights, and he can update myTable.
2. myTable is read/write for normal user
Just grant proper rights for a normal user.More about granting rights you can find here: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/sql-grant.html
Hope that helped a little.