Postgres database : Out of balance problem from the same table

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We have a problem, we have a master database as dbmaster sitting in the certain server and a backup database sitting in another server called dbbackup


Using the latest transaction number(aud_id = 1669629) that got generated from a table called audmth we wanted to check if the sum of the transactions from this table called audmth is the same.



DBMASTER – Database:


dbmaster =# select to_char(sum(aud_id),9999999999999.99) from audmth where aud_id <1669629;

(1 row) 




DBBACKUP – Database:  


dbbackup =# select to_char(sum(aud_id),9999999999999.99) from audmth where aud_id <1669629;

(1 row)





Due to the above issue, we restored the database from dbbackup to masterdb and visa versa, but we are still getting difference from the two databases which is very strange.



Any idea what could be the problem?





Thanks in advance


Khangelani Gama






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