Hello, I try to create some functions that will execute some queries stored inside tables. These 2 functions are: [code] CREATE FUNCTION __syncpg_execute1(sql text) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE nraffected integer; retcode text; BEGIN retcode := ''; EXECUTE sql; GET DIAGNOSTICS nraffected = ROW_COUNT; IF nraffected = 0 THEN retcode = 'rows_affected = 0'; END IF; RETURN retcode; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN SQLSTATE; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; [/code] and [code] CREATE FUNCTION __syncpg_execute() RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE sqlrec text; nrrows integer; sqlins text; errstr text; BEGIN nrrows := 0; FOR sqlrec IN SELECT sql FROM __syncpg_toexecute LOOP SELECT __syncpg_execute1(sqlrec) INTO errstr; nrrows := nrrows + 1; IF errstr <> '' THEN sqlins = 'INSERT INTO __syncpg_toexecuteres VALUES (' || quote_literal(sqlrec) || ', ' || quote_literal(errstr) || ');'; EXECUTE sqlins; END IF; END LOOP; TRUNCATE __syncpg_toexecute; RETURN nrrows; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; [/code] The problem I have is that some DELETE FROM ... does not affect rows even if those rows are there. I get the same issue with UPDATE .... I haven't found issues with INSERT (there are lots of errors=23505 - which is unique violation) If I run that SQL by hand it runs successfully deleting/updating the necessary rows. Am I missing something? Thank you -- Best regards, Dragos Moinescu -- Sent via pgsql-admin mailing list (pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-admin