Simon Riggs ha scritto:
On Tue, 2010-08-24 at 15:46 +0200, Silvio Brandani wrote:
Hi all,
we are looking for a solution to create a replicated database to be used
as reporting database with same data of production ( we can accept a lag
of some minutes).
we already have the Point In Time Recovery but we need a solution where
the standby is always open in readonly , but the data is replicated
continuosly from primary.
The Slony solution could be a possibility but the production database is
80 Gb of data with around 10000 transaction each hour.
DO you have some suggestion for our implementaiont if exists??
PostgreSQL 9.0 is production ready now and supports Hot Standby, which
is exactly what you want.
We are testing postgres 9.0.1 hot-standby feautures in a dev environment.
Thanks a lot
Silvio Brandani
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