Hi Support, Please help for the following
issues which I am facing with migration and replication process of oracle to EnterpriseDB
database. 1)
While migrating tables
from oracle to edb database, I am facing “invalid
byte sequence for encoding utf8”
error. Actually
I am migrating through “migration studio”. In this wizard, while
doing online migration of oracle table with data’s , constraints and
indexes, constraints and indexes are migrated but I am getting this encoding error
when migrating table data’s. 2)
In xDB replication console
also, I am facing this same encoding error. In one support
link, I came to know that we have to add “-DreplaceNullChar=true”
and “-DnullReplacementChar=replacement char” command in advanced JVM options for replacing “null”
value from oracle table to edb table, But I could
not find advanced JVM options in xDB replication console. Source: database: Oracle nls_lang: American nls_characterset: WE8ISO8859P1 target: database: PostgrePlus
8.4 Advanced server encoding: utf8 Thanks & Regards, ----------------------- Prabu.J.S Database Administrator | iRADcle Solutions. Handy : +91 978 624 4530 | Off : 044 44507141 |