On 5 September 2010 23:17, Ljubomir
hi group,
trying to create foreign key:
ALTER TABLE porder1 ADD CONSTRAINT order_exist
FOREIGN KEY (docuuserid) REFERENCES trade(tradeid) ON DELETE
column docuuserid is integer in porder1
column tradeid is serial in trade and belong to primary
key (single column)
getting In EMS PostgreSQL
ERROR: insert or update on table "porder1" violates foreign
key constraint "order_exist"
DETAIL: Key (docuuserid)=(8415) is not present in table
In PostgreSQL Code Factory
SQL Error: ERROR: insert or update on table "porder1"
violates foreign key constraint "order_exist"
DETAIL: Key (docuuserid)=(8415) is not present in table
postgresql 8.4.4-1 on windows 7 ultimate 64 bit standard
I'm not able to figure out what should be a problem.
kindly regards
ljubomir erdeljan
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