Tom Lane ha scritto:
Silvio Brandani <silvio.brandani@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Tom Lane ha scritto:
Is it really the *exact* same query both ways, or are you doing
something like parameterizing the query in the application?
Is it exactly the same, the query text is from the postgres log.
I just try it in test environment and we have same situazione : psql it
works, from application (odbc) do not.
Hm, there's got to be something different between the two cases.
Maybe the odbc application is issuing some SET commands that change
the chosen plan?
regards, tom lane
I trace all the sql executed by application in the logfile then executed
in psql and it works.
Silvio Brandani
Infrastructure Administrator
SDB Information Technology
Phone: +39.055.3811222
Fax: +39.055.5201119
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