Title: trouble restoring database
Hi Everybody,
I installed a postgres 8.4.4 onto a centos 5.5 machine and attempted to restore
data from a file made by pg_dumpall. It didn’t work, it seems. What I did was to
follow the instruction given in INSTALL file which comes with the source distribution.
The section Getting Started gives a list and I did all but #5 (createdb testdb + psql testdb).
Instead of #5, I ran the command below:
gunzip ..../dumpall20100822.0.gz | /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -f – postgres
Which terminated with exit status 0.
But when I look at pg_stat_database I don’t see the database I expected.
Can somebody please tell me why this didn’t work? Also, what must I do to successfully
restore the database?
Thank you in advance.
Tena Sakai