2010/8/10 Kevin Grittner <Kevin.Grittner@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Szymon Guz <mabewlun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Yeah, it's automatically there in a shadowy sort of way. Try this,
> No, there is no PUBLIC default role in ANY rdbms. In PostgreSQL
> there is PUBLIC schema, not role. In my PostgreSQL database there
> wasn't any such role... but I'll check that now... ok, I've
> checked, I've got 15 roles, none is names PUBLIC, what's more, I
> don't have any roles that cannot login.
> run simple query: SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles; and check the
> existence of the PUBLIC role.
for example, in your cluster with no PUBLIC role:
test=# revoke create on database test from public;
test=# grant select on pg_class to public;
well... surprisingly that works... does the public role exist in the SQL standard? why it is not in the pg_roles table?