where your problem is.
OK, is there anyway I can force a connection to this database so I can get a look at the tables (webapp)? To be honest, if there is corrupt data in there, that is fine. I'll manually pull it out. I just need to be able to figure out what uncorrupted data is in there so I can determine if it's even worth saving.
On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Nathan Robertson <nathan.robertson@xxxxxxxxx> writes:This probably connected to the postgres database, not webapp which is
> OK, I ran:
> postgres -O -P -D /cluster/location
where your problem is.
The standalone mode isn't very verbose. If you got a prompt back
> backend> reindex table pg_class;
> And then nothing returns. Nothing stating whether it was successful or a
> failure.
without any error then it's OK. Just type ^D at the prompt to exit.
regards, tom lane