Need I create triggers for each table?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Josi Perez
2010/5/19 Josi Perez (3T Systems) <josiperez3t@xxxxxxxxx>
To avoid to delete registers I created one trigger activated "before delete" with lines like that:
UPDATE tableX set dtExc = 'now', userExc = current_user where idTableX = OLD.idTableX;
return NULL;
but, I need do the same for many tables and I don't catch how.
I created an sql variable to construct the update command using parameters on trigger
qry := 'UPDATE '||arg_table||' set userexc = ' ||chr(39)||current_user||chr(39)||', dtalt = '||'''now'''||' where ' || arg_id ||' = OLD.'||TG_ARGV[1];
but when "EXECUTE qry" I lost the OLD.variable.
I can't send the bigint id to delete in trigger parameters.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,
Josi Perez